Quaker Parrot Asks: Why is it so easy for parrots to talk? Because talk is cheep!  
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'Cause Dog Kibble, Cat Food, Bird Seed... Thanks!

Laughing Cat Riddle: How does a cat greet mice in a field? I'm pleased to meat you!


Funny Animals Riddles & Hilarious Pet FAQs. Dog, Cat, Bird Memes

Mimi's Doghouse: Animal Riddles 27
Funny Pet Jokes to Yap About, Hilarious Animal Riddles, Cat FAQs, Dog Answers, Cheep Laughs!

Funny Animal Riddles 12345 67891011121314

Sci-Fi Dog Joke: Why did the dog watch Star Trek? He wanted to GO where no one has bone before! Dogs Dig Bones McCoy
Mugshot Cat Joke: Why was the feline arrested by the police? He was a suspected cat burglar! Cat Jokes Steal Your Heart
Pug in Bee Costume Joke: What does a queen bee do when she burps? She issues a royal pardon! Pugs Bee Polite

Canine comedians of the future will still think this sci-fi dog joke apee-ling wherever they transport.

    Local PD suspicious cat activity blotter reports less feline-y crimes since his capture.     Pugs always look the other way if you belch or fart, but they are bee-wildered by the sound of their own flatulence.  

House Cat Riddle: What is a cat's favorite coffee pot? The Purr-Colator Nervous Kitty Laughs
Dog Breed Joke: What do you call a nutty dog in Australia? A Dingo-Ling! Down Unda Dog Jokes
Parrot Tells Bird Jokes: What do you get if you cross a parrot and a woodpecker? A bird that talks in Morse Code Code for Funny Parrot Jokes

This cat joke urns energetic laughter! Although she might get tired of the grind and coffee, Kitty always licks the pot.


This dog joke is a real acel and a fantastic bonzer especially arvo the bodgy ones that follow. Oh, bull dust! And that's the dinkum. G'day.

    Funny parrot isn't tap dancing around the bird jokes here. That tappens to be something recently heard, morse specifically, last Woodsday.  

Dog Breed Joke: What kind of dog sniffs out new flowers? A Bud Hound! Colorado Bud Hound Humor
Pug in Bee Outfit Asks: Why did a bee start reciting poetry? He was waxing lyrical! Poetic Pug Bee Humor
Girly Cat Asks: What is a Bureaucat? A kitty that sleeps in your undies Cat Jokes Rule!

Colorado Bud Hounds also moonlight in airport baggage security and like to create crop circles in their spare time.


This joke rates a 10 on the pug bee funny meter. In fact, it's ex-dactyl-ly the reverse of an anapest.

    Bossy cats that play with red tape shouldn't be allowed access to your underwear! Tell it to Washington.  

Humorous Cat Tips: What shouldn't you use to groom a cat? A Catacomb Deadly Funny Cat Joke
Smart Bird Humor: What is a parrot's favorite novel? Pollyanna Clever Bird Jokes
Malamute Wearing Vampire Cape Asks: What do you call a large dog meditating? Aware Wolf! Zen Halloween Dog?

The goal is to find a tool to groom your cat's outer hairy man, without anesthesia – that is why you can't use a catacomb!


Parrots already know the punch lines because they are well-versed comedians.

    On Halloween, Aware Wolf knows the doorbell will ring before it even happens. Good Boy! You deserve a Treat, and another, and another...  

Funny Animal Riddles 12345 67891011121314
Dog RiddlesCat FAQsBee RiddlesParrot Q & AFowl Jokes

Wait... It's Stinking Funny Over Here, Too!

Less Traveled Trails to Funny Dogs, Cat Jokes, Pet Riddles, Birthday Humor:

Dog Breed JokesCat vs Dog HumorParrot PunsAnimal FAQsHappy Purr-Day
Bearly FunnyGood SignsCosmic SmartsWise WordsMewy Holidays!
Funny Dog RiddlesCandid Cat AnswersBird JokesHappy Birthday, Human!

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