Pug Dressed Like a Bee Asks: Why did a bee go to the barbershop? To get a buzz cut!  
MimiMemeMe.com - Animal Riddles, Cat FAQs, Dog Answers!

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Pug Dressed Like a Bee Asks: How do bees style their hair? With a honeycomb!


Funny Animals Riddles & Hilarious Pet FAQs. Dog, Cat, Bird Memes

Mimi's Doghouse: Animal Riddles 25
Funny Pet Jokes to Yap About, Hilarious Animal Riddles, Cat FAQs, Dog Answers, Cheep Laughs!

Funny Animal Riddles 12345 67891011121314

Dog Joke: What breed of dog chases anything red? A Bull Dog Colorful Dog Breed Humor
Laughing Cat Meme: What do you call a painting of a cat? A Paw-Trait Colorful Kitty Riddle
Dog Humor: What do you call a dog who hears voices? shit-Szu Phrenic! Uncensored Dog Jokes

Now we know why the bulldog was named Ole! Dalmatians, newspapers, and nuns are all relieved this joke wasn't about them.

    Some felines paint a funny picture of catty comedy and they enjoy artfully crafted cat jokes.     Now you know more about the imaginary creatures your dog has nightmares about, and that your dog dreams in color.  

Black Cat Joke: When is it very bad luck to see a black cat? When you're a mouse! Mighty Black Cat Joke
What breed of dog laughs at any joke? A chi-Ha-Ha Dog Joke to Get a Risa You
Real Life Parrot Humor: What's a good name for a parrot that bites? Beaker! Parrots Eat Up Inside Jokes

One more reason black cats bring good luck to their human, but not to mice...


A funny dog breed that always makes you laugh, in any language including dog speak.

    Dr. Bunsen Honeydew has the best assistant, feather that's known, or not. Yes, we know this parrot joke bites! Oh, we're just quaking...  

Dog Breed Joke: What kind of dog can use the phone? A Dial-Matian! Dog Jokes to Talk About
Cat Question of the Day: What do you say to your cat when you go out? Have a Mice Day! Catchy Cat Humor
Pug Dressed Like a Bee Asks: How do bees style their hair? With a honeycomb! Pug Bee Offers Beauty Tips

Humans who own a Golden Receiver and a Dial-Matian might need a family cell phone plan with unlimited data.


You never say Goodbye Kitty because cats take everything so litter-ally.

    Girly pugs also like bee-jeweled bows on their ears. Note: most pugs are not girly girls.  

Nosy Parrot Asks: What do you get if you cross a parrot and a centipede? A Polypod Parrots Make Funny Stuff Up
Cat Riddle: What do you call a cat that sucks on lemons? A sour puss Acidic Cat Puns
Parrot Telling Bird Jokes: What do you call a woodpecker with no beak? A Headbanger! Hard-Hitting Bird Humor

Angry bird comic jokes that you get a hundred laughs flying at you while you're trying to move and put some stuff in storage. Polypod.


Some cat jokes suck and some are just lemons; this is one of them...

Q. What joke punch line does your cat hate more than all the rest of these lame jokes? A. Sour Puss

    Some bird jokes can give you a headache, but that's because they don't think you got the point so they just keep going...  

Funny Animal Riddles 12345 67891011121314
Dog RiddlesCat FAQsBee RiddlesParrot Q & AFowl Jokes

Wait... It's Stinking Funny Over Here, Too!

Less Traveled Trails to Funny Dogs, Cat Jokes, Pet Riddles, Birthday Humor:

Dog Breed JokesCat vs Dog HumorParrot PunsAnimal FAQsHappy Purr-Day
Bearly FunnyGood SignsCosmic SmartsWise WordsMewy Holidays!
Funny Dog RiddlesCandid Cat AnswersBird JokesHappy Birthday, Human!

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