Manly Cat Humor: What do you call a cat that can rough it in the great outdoors? A Survival Kit - Animal Riddles, Cat FAQs, Dog Answers! - Home Page
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Malamute in Dracula Cape Asks: Which dog breed lives in a cave? The Bat Terrier


Funny Animals Riddles & Hilarious Pet FAQs. Dog, Cat, Bird Memes

Mimi's Doghouse: Animal Riddles 14
Funny Pet Jokes to Yap About, Hilarious Animal Riddles, Cat FAQs, Dog Answers, Cheep Laughs!
Funny Animal Riddles 12345 67891011121314

Dog Joke: what does a sled dog take when a bit run down? The description of the snowmobile that hit him! Dog Jokes Top 10 Hits
Nosy Parrot Asks: What do you get if you cross a woodpecker and a carrier pigeon? A bird who knocks before making his delivery Bird Humor Delivers
Laughing Cat Asks: What do you call a cat that can't stop licking itself? Clean Cat Humor?

Peppy dogs don't hang out in coffee shops, but they do enjoy an ice cold Pupsi-Cola every now and then.

    Cross peckers send mixed messages, but bird comedians knock out some pretty funny bird jokes.     Apparently some humans have cat envy? We don't want to touch this meow-R rated cat joke further, so we're mew-ving right along.  

Fang Cat Asks: How is cat food sold? Usually purr can Delicious Cat Riddle
Dog Joke: what do you get if you cross a hammock and a small dog? A Rocker Spaniel! Guitarist's Fave Dog Joke
Silly Bird Joke: What do you get if you cross a nun & a chicken? A Pecking Order Holy Parrot Humor!

Funny felines eat up hilarious jokes and they purr-ticularly like fishy humor.


Rocker Spaniel, purse dog for guys who aren't quite ready to mow the lawn yet and a fun pet for a musician.

    Sometimes a funny high-spirited parrot knows he's going to hell, so he might as well just go for the punch lines and burn one.  

Dog Riddle: What do you get if you cross a dog and a frog? A Croaker Spaniel! Slippery Dog Breed Humor
Pug in Bee Costume Asks: What do you call bears without ears? Bs Pug is Bearly Funny
Dog Joke: Why does a dog need a license, but not a cat? Because cats can't drive! City Canine Conundrum

A handy dog breed to have around during fly and mosquito season. Just ponder about this breed for a moment...


Either way, this pug riddle is one honey of a bee joke!

    Good dogs obey the rules of the road, but some teenage cats can drive you crazy.  

Playful Pugilist Dog Joke
Tiny Kitteh Asks: Why is this cat so small? Because she only eats condensed milk. Just a Little Kitten Around
Dog Breed Humor: A dad got a Dachshund for his 6 kids so they could all pet her at once! Long Doggie Laughs

Boxers do enjoy helping you change the lightbulb, especially if you have to climb up a ladder. They can climb up the ladder, but can't get down. Keep that in mind before you're hopelessly stuck up on the top.


This funny diminutive kitty joke isn't small on laughs for mew!

    Hot Diggity Dogs are real pet weiners that kids always relish. You mustard that dog pun before.  

Funny Animal Riddles 12345 67891011121314
Dog RiddlesCat FAQsBee RiddlesParrot Q & AFowl Jokes

Wait... It's Stinking Funny Over Here, Too!

Less Traveled Trails to Funny Dogs, Cat Jokes, Pet Riddles, Birthday Humor:

Dog Breed JokesCat vs Dog HumorParrot PunsAnimal FAQsHappy Purr-Day
Bearly FunnyGood SignsCosmic SmartsWise WordsMewy Holidays!
Funny Dog RiddlesCandid Cat AnswersBird JokesHappy Birthday, Human!

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