Funny Cat Pun: What is a cat's fave kitchen utensil? The Whisk-er! - Animal Riddles, Cat FAQs, Dog Answers! - Home Page
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Cat Humor: Have you read that catty new autobiography? It's a real hiss & tell.


Funny Animals Riddles & Hilarious Pet FAQs. Dog, Cat, Bird Memes

Mimi's Doghouse: Animal Riddles 11
Funny Pet Jokes to Yap About, Hilarious Animal Riddles, Cat FAQs, Dog Answers, Cheep Laughs!
Funny Animal Riddles 12345 67891011121314

Dog Joke: How do you know if you have a slow dog? He chases parked cars Slow Sled Dog Humor
Hi-Tech Bird Humor: Why did the chicken cross the net? To get to the other site! Chicken Wings It Online
Laughing Cat Asks: Where does a cat go if she loses her tail? The retail store! Chic Cat Tales

Huskies often end their dramatic car chase in a barking lot. They really like the lot at Woofle House.

    Funky chickens scratch out the path to hilarious bird jokes and a web of ridiculous riddles.     Technologly is a wonderful thing. It brings us funny cat jokes, new 3-D capabilities, and e-commerce – all in the same humorous cat meme.  

Smart Parrot Riddle: What's even smarter than a talking bird? A spelling bee! Gabby Bird Jokes Fly
Fang Cat Asks: What's it called if a cat wins a dog show? A Cat-Has-Trophy! Winning Cat Puns
Dog Riddle: What kind of clothes should a girly dog wear? A petticoat! Bitching Funny Fashion Tip

Talking birds spell funny even if they don't know the letters because then they just wing it.


Cat-ass-trophic Cat wins big laughs again! Dogs show no malice about the me-owt-come, but vow to score blue ribbon laughs next year.

    Funny fashion hounds know how to put on the dog and dress to the ca-nines!  

Cat Humor: Why don't cats like shopping online? They prefer a purr-int cat-alog! Picky Feline Riddle
Dog Humor: What's the easiest way to stop a dog from digging in the garden? Take his shovel away! Growing Dog Howls & LOLs
Persian Cat Asks: What kind of cat purrs the best? A Purrrr-sian Cat Humor Bred for Laughs

Savvy cats know that all other cats use the password HISSmyAss83, so they're hiss-itant to shop online.


Dogs do dig being funny! And, dogs do remember where they bury their bones.

    Purr-dy kitties all purr purr-fectly, but purr-sian cats really know how to roll their Rs.  

Malamute Wearing Witch Costume Asks: What do you get if you cross a dog and a frog? A Croaker Spaniel! Midnight Dog Breed Humor
Xmas Cat Joke: What do you call a cat on the beach at Christmas time? Sandy Claws Christmas Cat Riddle
Dog Riddle: How many Rottweilers does it take to change a light bulb? Make Me! Wily Dog Humor

At least it could see in the dark and would eat the same food as your other dog, or cat, or rat, or snake.


Cats named Sandy dig funny Christmas riddles be-claws they're in the holiday mewd.

    Sigh. Dogs don't change light bulbs; people do. But I don't trust that guy on the ladder, so suffer in the dark, bark, bark, bark.  

Funny Animal Riddles 12345 67891011121314
Dog RiddlesCat FAQsBee RiddlesParrot Q & AFowl Jokes

Wait... It's Stinking Funny Over Here, Too!

Less Traveled Trails to Funny Dogs, Cat Jokes, Pet Riddles, Birthday Humor:

Dog Breed JokesCat vs Dog HumorParrot PunsAnimal FAQsHappy Purr-Day
Bearly FunnyGood SignsCosmic SmartsWise WordsMewy Holidays!
Funny Dog RiddlesCandid Cat AnswersBird JokesHappy Birthday, Human!

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