Negative Dog Says: Woof Woof Woof. Ok, I'm done ranting now. - Dog Jokes, Canine Humor, Arfing Funny! - Home Page
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ArF-ing Funny Dog Jokes, Canine One Liners, Dog Comedy Memes

Mimi's Doghouse: Funny Dog Jokes 3
Hilarious Dog Jokes to Salivate Over, Canine Humor, Dog Riddles to Howl About, Good Dog!
Woofing Funny Dog Jokes 12345 6789101112

Dog Humor: I graduated obedience school with a pet degree! Nth Degree Canine Humor
Dog Meme: "No, I'm not Dog the Bounty Hunter. I've got better hair!" A Bounty of Dog Jokes
Dog Humor: My vet told me to settle down & relax. Dis temper of mine needs to be cur tailed! Parvo-less Dog Humor

Smart dogs agree that a certain degree of humor is a helpful asset as one winds their way through life's agility course. Comedian dogs know that a sense of humor is a bonus.

    Funny dawgs like to chase down punch lines, and catch them more often than not in Colorado. Fugitive punch lines, beware!     Healthy dog laughs come from canines who have a yearly visit to their vet. Rabid raccoons, skunks, foxes and coyotes even scare the Cujo out of bats.  

Dog Joke - Whenever a bell rings, my dog "Pavov" goes into a corner? Dog trainer's reply: That's Okay. He's a boxer! Dingy Dog Jokes
Dog Humor - Canine Definitions: Dogma. A dog with puppies! Mother of All Dog Jokes
Dog Joke: I must have a really cold nose? when I enter the room, all other dogs sit down! Cold Canine Laughs

Pugilist doggie humor isn't just for pugs. Funny dog comedian has once again cornered the market on rich dog humor.


It's uncontrovertibly true that dogs get dogma, and ironic that dogs prefer traveling in convertibles and motorcycle sidecars. Way to go, Dog!

    Weather or not your dog can predict meteorology forecasts depends on the atmosphere in which they live and breath, and sniff out the funny jokes.  

Big Nose Dog Asks: Did somebody say Drool? Funny Doggie Drivel
Dog Joke: Did you hear about the dog who went to the flea circus? He stole the show! Criminally Funny Dog Joke
Dog Riddle: What do you call a clever dog detective? Sherlock Bones! Deductive Dog Puns

Slobbery dog jokes don't motivate your dog's funny bone, but funny dogs do salver a good punch line and dribble over a funny joke or basketball court.


Doggie itch and tell is rarer than kiss and tail. Biting humor isn't something comedian dogs run from, but funny canines do flea the circus due to creepy clowns.

    All dogs sniff out canine comedy, but clever detective dogs deduce the punch line ahead of Watson and behind the trail of the bad guys.  

More Funny Dog Jokes 12345 6789101112

Wait... It Sniffs Funny Over Here, Too!

Less Traveled Trails to Funny Dogs, Cat Jokes, Pet Riddles, Birthday Humor:

Dog Breed JokesCat vs Dog HumorParrot PunsAnimal FAQsHappy Purr-Day
Bearly FunnyGood SignsCosmic SmartsWise WordsMewy Holidays!
Funny Dog RiddlesCandid Cat AnswersBird JokesHappy Birthday, Human!

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