Black Cat Asks: Why was the cat so grouchy today? He was in a really bad mewd! - Cat Jokes, Feline Humor, Mewing Funny! - Home Page
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Funny Cat Jokes, Snarky Feline Comedy, Riddles with Cat-i-tude Memes

Mimi's Cathouse: Cat-i-tude Humor 13
Funny Cat Riddles with Attitude, Snarky Feline Humor, Catty Jokes to Hiss About. Meow-i-tude!
A-Mewsing Cat Humor 12345 678910

Birthday Humor: It's not about age, it's about Cat-itude! Happy Birthday Cat-Itude
Big Face Cat Asks: What does a cat do when he gets really mad? He has a hissy fit! Hiss-terical Kitty Humor
Big Face Cat Asks: What part of MEOW don't you understand? Cat Language Defined

Humorous cat has the tude and wants to share a not with you. Denial is Wonderful (not just a river in Africa). Happy Purr-Day!

    This funny cat roars with laughter and he ain't lion! But, never toy around with your cat's affection be-claws me-ow!     Cat comedians communicate using mew-ntal telepathy. Seer cat sees laughter in your furr-ture. Meow you know!  

Cat Humor: Have you read that catty new autobiography? It's a real hiss & tell. Novel Cat Humor
Laughing Cat Meme: How do cats end a fight? They hiss and make up! Hiss-terical Kitty Riddle
Snooty Cat Humor: Cats are always more sarcastic than dogs! Hiss-Toric Cat vs Dog Fact

Litter-ally hiss-terical cat tales of love, lust, lost, found, mice and other funny yarns...


Good kitties never hold a grudge be-claws they're real people purr-sons. But, don't dew it again! Yew've been warned!

    No! Cats are more Sar-Cats-Tic than dogs! Dogs never make flippant comments because they paws before reacting and they like birds.  

Cat Joke: What did the cat say to the dog? "Check Meow-T" Humorous Catty Taunts
Smug Cat Says: Anyone who owns a cat will tell you nobody owns a cat! Rules of Cat Ownership
Pretty Kitty Says: A cat has purr-sonality! Sweet Kitty Mewsing

Cat thinks he's just so funny, but he's actually met his match, be-claws the dog is thinking Check Mate.


Rent-a-Cat isn't an option, either, unless you're looking for help with claw enforcement!

    Cats are people purr-sons, have purr-fect purr-sonalities, and tell hiss-terical jokes.  

A-Mewsing Cat Humor 12345 678910

Wait... There Are More Funny Scratching Posts Over Here, Too!

Less Traveled Trails to Funny Dogs, Cat Jokes, Pet Riddles, Birthday Humor:

Dog Breed JokesCat vs Dog HumorParrot PunsAnimal FAQsHappy Purr-Day
Bearly FunnyGood SignsCosmic SmartsWise WordsMewy Holidays!
Funny Dog RiddlesCandid Cat AnswersBird JokesHappy Birthday, Human!

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