African Grey Parrot Asks: What is a parrot's favorite TV show? The Feather Forecast! - Parrot Riddles, Bird Jokes, Cheep LOLs! - Home Page
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Funny Parrot Jokes, Hilarious Bird Riddles, Parrot Pun Humor Memes

Mimi's Birdcage: Funny Parrot Jokes 7
Funny Feathered Jokes to Crow About, Cheep Humor, Bird Riddles to Squawk Over. Good Birdie!
Parrot Riddles & Bird Jokes 12345 6 78910
Funny Bird Pun: How do you catch a unique parrot? Unique up on him! Uniquely Funny Parrot Joke
Macaw Asks: What happened to the parrot whose feathers were all pointed the wrong way? She was tickled to death. Ticklish Parrot Humor
Funny Parrot Asks: What do you call a funny parrot spoof? Parody Lampoon Bird Laughs

One-of-a-kind parrot jokes sneak up on you sometimes, but we suspect you saw this punch line coming.

    Funny parrot knows how to wing a clever punch line to make this joke par-tick-ularly killer comedy!     Sarcastic parrot comedian does a spiffy job of spoofing any topic he finds funny and he thinks SNL is hilarious. Parrots laugh at a lot of old jokes...  

Classic Parrot Joke: Where do the smartest parrots live? The Brain Forest! Smart Parrot Humor
Parrot Humor: What is the definition of parity? Two parrots that are exactly the same Same Old Parrot Joke...
Silly Parrot Joke: Which side of your parrot has the prettiest feathers? The Outside! Insider Parrot Joke

Clever birdies know how to tell a funny joke. Brainy parrots know where to lure zombies during the apocalypse.


A pair of parrots is happy as long as you pay them the same, or at least the value of a quantum number that corresponds. You can thank Polytechnic for wise-mouth birdies.

    Feather or not you laughed out loud, inside funny right bird brain left you B-side yourself on the flipside, right? Squawk!  

Curious Parrot Asks: What flies through the jungle singing opera? The Parrots of Penzance Noisy Parrot Riddle
Pet Bird Joke: When is the best time to buy budgies? When they're going cheap! Cheep Budgie Laughs
Parrot Joke: What profession did the parrot go into after he swallowed a clock? Politics Timeless Parrot Joke

If you clip your parrot's wings, he can't fly but he can still sing. Random operettas yar a fact of the pirate life. Arr!


Wikipedia says Budgie are a Welsh hardrock band from Cardif. Can you imagine them going Cheep? But, it's always a good time to play with your budgerigar.

    Smooth talking parrots know how to get what they want and they are bipartisan because what they want is all that matters.  

More Parrot Riddles & Bird Jokes 12345 6 78910

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Bearly FunnyGood SignsCosmic SmartsWise WordsMewy Holidays!
Funny Dog RiddlesCandid Cat AnswersBird JokesHappy Birthday, Human!

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