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Quaker Parrot Jokes, Funny Birdie Riddles, Talking Bird Memes

Mimi's Birdcage: Funny Quaker Parrots 4
Funny Quaker Parrot Tells Jokes to Crow About and Bird Riddles to Squawk About. Good Birdie!
Parrot Riddles & Bird Jokes 12345 6 78910
Pet Bird Humor: What is a parrot? A Wordy Birdy! Talkative Tweeter Joke
Real Life Parrot Humor: What's a good name for a parrot that bites? Beaker! Parrots Eat Up Inside Jokes
Romantic Parrot Asks: What is a parrot's favorite song? I Love Parrots in the Springtime! Musical Parrot Riddle

Funny talking birds often just wing it and make up new phrases, but sometimes that's just a phase and then mum's the word.

    Dr. Bunsen Honeydew has the best assistant, feather that's known, or not. Yes, we know this parrot joke bites! Oh, we're just quaking...     unny parrots also enjoy drizzles, sizzles and frankly anything else the feather forecast belts out in any moment.  

Nosy Parrot Asks: What do you get if you cross a parrot and a centipede? A Polypod Parrots Make Funny Stuff Up
Sick Bird Joke: The vet said I have Chirpees. Good news is it's Tweet-able! Sick Bird Humor
Quaker Parrot Asks: Why is it so easy for parrots to talk? Because talk is cheep! Cheep Parrot Laughs

Angry bird comic jokes that you get a hundred laughs flying at you while you're trying to move and put some stuff in storage. Polypod.


Chirpees means you have a talkative parrot or you're related to a penguin. Chirpies are promiscuous Twitter users...

    Talking birds use B-Mobile for bargain cell service. Low rent parrot talk isn't for everybody, so watch your mouth. No parrot said that, ever!  

Parrot Asks: What did the snooty parrot say? Polly wants a Ritz Cracker Ritzy Parrot Riddle
Playful Parrot Asks: What is a parrot's favorite game? Hide 'N Speak! Parrots Love Funny Games
Nosy Parrot Asks: What do you get if you cross a woodpecker and a carrier pigeon? A bird who knocks before making his delivery Bird Humor Delivers

Snooty birds always want to beak putting on the Ritz, but funny parrots wing the nest jokes just to cracker you up.


Peek-A-Boo! Funny birdies don't quite get this gamy pun; parrots only want you to find them, as much as that may stink!

    Cross peckers send mixed messages, but bird comedians knock out some pretty funny bird jokes.  

More Parrot Riddles & Bird Jokes 12345 6 78910

Wait... There's Lots of Funny Talk Over Here, Too!

Less Traveled Trails to Funny Dogs, Cat Jokes, Pet Riddles, Birthday Humor:

Dog Breed JokesCat vs Dog HumorParrot PunsAnimal FAQsHappy Purr-Day
Bearly FunnyGood SignsCosmic SmartsWise WordsMewy Holidays!
Funny Dog RiddlesCandid Cat AnswersBird JokesHappy Birthday, Human!

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