Star Meme Says: Live for today, and dream of tomorrow. - Wise Quotes, Good Thoughts, Wise Humor! - Home Page
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Three Gold Stars Say: Believing in yourself is the first secret to success!


Stellar Good Thoughts, Cosmic Wisdom, Wise Word Star Memes

Mimi's Wisdom: Stellar Good Thoughts 6
Gold Star Good Thoughts, Stellar Motivation, Cosmic Wise Words, Out of This World Optimism
Stellar Good Thoughts and Wise Words 12345 6
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Gold Stars Say: Today is going to be a stellar day! Positively Stellar Attitude
Star in a Circle Saying: Good Signs in the Stars! Good Cosmic Signs
Gold Stars Say: The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible & achieves the impossible. Make Something of Nothing

Positive thinking is powerful, so make today a day filled with your star power. At the end of the day, pat yourself on the back and know you've earned a gold star.

    Galactic goodness is in the stars and all signs point toward YOU. So, think those good thoughts, believe in yourself and go where no one has gone before.     Cosmic good thoughts can take you where no one has gone before. Positively do think about the unseen, feel the invisible, and achieve your impossible dreams.  

3-D Star Saying: The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude! Wise Attitude Adjustment
Eleanor Roosevelt Quote: Confidence comes not from always being right, but from not fearing to be wrong. Confident Good Thought
Star & Moon Graphic with: Don't wait for that perfect moment. Take this moment and make it perfect! Momentous Moments

Laws of cosmic wisdom show that each bad day gets you closer to being sucked into a black hole. So, adjust your attitude to head toward the light and have a good day!


More famous Eleanor Roosevelt quotes: "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." "You must do the things you think you cannot do."

    Each moment is a new opportunity for a perfect time. You are when you are, so why not make the best of your time and share a smile or a kind thought now?  

Shining Star Saying: When you have good thoughts, they shine and make you look even lovlier! Shining Good Thoughts
3-D Star Saying: Welcome to the best of the rest of your life! Good Thoughts for Now
Bonnie Blair Quote: Winning doesn't always mean being first. Winning means you're doing better than you've done before. Winning Motivational Quote

Sunny inspirations shine onto all those you touch. Why not think good thoughts and shine even more, you gorgeous thing, you?


Now is the first moment of the Best of the Rest of your life. And, Now. And, NOW... So, what are you waiting for? Enjoy the here and now, now!

    Being number one is great, but that's not what matters. True winners learn and move onward to better things.  

3-D Star Saying: Courage is Living Life Big! Be Brave. Live BIG!
Single Star Says: Best way to predict the future is to create it! Tomorrow Will Be...
Star in a Circle Saying: Karma, What goes around, comes around. So keep your cirlce positive! Cosmic Runaround

Find your inner courage and life your life big! As Winston Churchill said: "Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts."


It shouldn't take seer to see what your future may hold. Look within yourself and see the future of your dreams. It's in the cards...

    Karma circulates within your circle, so keep the positive momentum going so fast that sparks of your goodness fly out to touch others. Phew!  

Stellar Good Thoughts and Wise Words 12345 6
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Wait... It Seems Kind of Funny Over Here, Too!

Less Traveled Trails to Funny Dogs, Cat Jokes, Pet Riddles, Birthday Humor:

Dog Breed JokesCat vs Dog HumorParrot PunsAnimal FAQsHappy Purr-Day
Bearly FunnyGood SignsCosmic SmartsWise WordsMewy Holidays!
Funny Dog RiddlesCandid Cat AnswersBird JokesHappy Birthday, Human!

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