Funny Party Cat Says: Happy Purrthday. Best Fishes! - Cat Birthday, Mew B-Day, Happy Purr-Day! - Home Page
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Happy Purr-Day: Funny Happy Birthday from Cat Memes

Mimi's Cathouse: Happy Purr-Day Jokes 6
Funny Cats Tell Birthday Jokes & Send You Catty Humorous Happy B-Day Wishes. Pretty Kitty!
Funny Happy Birthday Greetings From Cats 12345 6 7 8
Birthday Humor: What does a basketball player do before blowing out birthday candles? He makes a swish! Swish You a Happy Birthday
Party Kitten Asks: Why did a girl get bunny ears as a gift? To wish you a Hoppy Birthday! Funny Hoppy Birthday Cat
Birthday Joke: How can you tell you're getting old? You go to an antique auction and six people bid on you! Winning Birthday Humor

Tall Happy Birthday greetings and best wishes from a cagey cat fan! Hope I made my point.


This kitten wants to wish you a playful Happy Birthday and hops you'll have a great year ahead.

    Cats always want to bid you a very Humorous Happy Birthday!  

Party Cat Says: Happy Birthday to Me! I intend to live forever. So far, so good! Cat Happy B-Days So Far...
Party Cat Says: Happy Birthday Kid, Kiddo, Kiddie, Kidder, Kidster, Your Kidness, Kidmo! Cat Happy Birthday to Kiddo
Party Cougar Humor: I still have everything I did 20 years ago, but now it's all lower. Hoarder Cat Happy B-Day!

Cats have nine lives. Humans don't, so live it up and Happy Birthday to you!

    Cat wishes you a very Happy Birthday Kid, Kiddo, Your Kidness, Kidster ... no kidding!     Funny Cat loves you and all your stuff, Human! Mewy Happy Purr-Day to Mew!  

Party Kitten Mews: Happy Birthday, Mom, Momma, Mother, Mom-erino, Momma Mia, Mommy! Happy Cat Birthday to Mom
Party Cat: Happy Birthday, Dad, daderino, dad man dad meister... Happy Cat Birthday to Dad
Party Kitten Says: Happy Birthday, Sis, Sista, Sis-erina, Sistory, Sass Master, Sister! Cat Happy Birthday to Sis

Cat loves you Mom! Happy Birthday Mommy, Momma Mia, Mom Meister!


Hep Cat loves you Dad! Happy Birthday Daddy, Dad Man, Your Dadness, Sir!

    This cat loves you Sis! Happy Birthday Sista, Sissy, Sass Master, Sister!  

Funny Happy Birthday Greetings From Cats 12345 6 7 8

Wait... It Scratches Funny Over Here, Too!

Less Traveled Trails to Funny Dogs, Cat Jokes, Pet Riddles, Birthday Humor:

Dog Breed JokesCat vs Dog HumorParrot PunsAnimal FAQsHappy Purr-Day
Bearly FunnyGood SignsCosmic SmartsWise WordsMewy Holidays!
Funny Dog RiddlesCandid Cat AnswersBird JokesHappy Birthday, Human!

Thanks for clicking in and smell you again soon!

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